Submission guidlines for
Print Magazine

  • CALL FOR ENTRY for the next print magazine ISSUE °VII

  • 1-10 pictures

  • 1200 pxl 72dpi, but please make sure you have the picture in higher resolution (300 dpi, 3500 px length) in case you get selected

  • please include your website and country to your mail

  • title: lastname_firstname_title (if existing)_01.jpg

  • Email-link > SUBMISSION


    • no digitally added frames, no watermarks

    • Only submissions via E-Mail accepted
      Photographers should keep their contact details up to date and inform us about any changes as all the news will be communicated via this e-mail address. (Please send all submissions to SUBMISSION)

    • We accept photographs attached to the submission e-mail (Zip or non-compressed attachment accepted) and we-transfer, but please understand that it might occur that the link expires before we're able to download them (in that case we will contact you)

    • By submitting to rûm magazine you confirm that you have all the rights on the picture and you agree to be published on our website, tumblr, facebook and in print.

We're always looking for interesting work to be published!

Online Feature ( social media )

  • 1200pxl length, 72 dpi, no frames and watermarks

  • please include your website



  • 1-10 pictures

  • 1200 pxl 72dpi, but please make sure you have the picture in higher resolution (300 dpi, 3500 px length) in case you get selected

  • please include your website and country to your mail

  • title: lastname_firstname_title (if existing)_01.jpg





  • no digitally added frames, no watermarks

  • Only submissions via E-Mail accepted
    Photographers should keep their contact details up to date and inform us about any changes as all the news will be communicated via this e-mail address. (Please send all submissions to SUBMISSION)

  • We accept photographs attached to the submission e-mail (Zip or non-compressed attachment accepted) and we-transfer, but please understand that it might occur that the link expires before we're able to download them (in that case we will contact you)

  • By submitting to rûm magazine you confirm that you have all the rights on the picture and you agree to be published on our website, social media and in print.


Unfortunately we are not able to answer all submission e-mails, but if you have any questions left, please contact us via e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing your work,
